In Jászfényszaru, SRF is going to establish a benchmark plant which is going to be the most advanced site of the corporation so far. As a result of its investment in Hungary, the Indian chemical corporation is going to become one of the biggest BOPET and BOPP ...
2018. 06. 15.
HIPA #HIPARobert Bosch Power Tool, the biggest Bosch hand tool factory of the world produced its 100 millionth hand tool in Miskolc. From pre-development through the conceptual design to its manufacturing, products are the outcome of the work of professionals working in...
2018. 06. 12.
Electronics #ElectronicsBased in Texas, Flowserve, an industrial and service-providing corporation is going to establish a new R&D centre in Budapest following its BSC in Debrecen, building on the skills of Hungarian engineers. Investing almost EUR 10.3 million, the corporation i...
2018. 06. 06.
BSC #BSCDue to the biggest greenfield investment ever in Hungary, Mercedes-Benz is building its second plant worth EUR 1 billion, that is, more than HUF 310 billion in Kecskemét. The new plant is going to manufacture models of various vehicle architecture and drivetra...
2018. 06. 05.
Automotive #AutomotiveThe American ExxonMobil, which is a giant in the oil industry, has confirmed that it intends to rely on the Hungarian know-how in the long run, and plans to expand the staff with an additional 300 employees in the Budapest office. Parallel with the announcemen...
2018. 06. 01.
BSC #BSCThe jubilee was made remarkable with the inauguration of a new development: a new production line has been installed for the manufacturing of energy recovery systems and performance electrical circuits relying on a brand new surface mould technology. The Ameri...
2018. 05. 31.
Automotive #AutomotiveAfter the successful Budapest and Debrecen events, the series of fora for suppliers organised jointly by GE, the Hungarian Investment Promotion Agency (HIPA) and the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKIK) is going to be continued in Nagykanizsa. The...
2018. 05. 18.
HIPA #HIPABased on the Site Selection Global Best to Invest 2018 report Hungary is among the 10 best investment locations of the world and wins in two categories in the region. The Hungarian Investment Promotion Agency (HIPA) also received a recognition winning the Top ...
2018. 05. 10.
HIPA #HIPAHaving already organised in about 20 cities around the world, the series of events called Startup Safary was joined by Budapest in 2017. The newly organised two-day startup festival attracted as many as 3,000 participants. Following the corporate innovation wo...
2018. 04. 19.