Local companies on the way to enter international markets
2019. 04. 24.
National Instruments (NI), a company specialized in the manufacturing of electronic instruments and devices, has been operating its manufacturing base in Debrecen since 2001. NI has been continuously looking for Hungarian companies who could successfully join in its supply chain − it turned out at the Supplier Forum organised jointly with the Hungarian Investment Promotion Agency (HIPA), the Embassy of the United States in Hungary and the Hungarian Export Promotion Agency (HEPA).
At the Forum held on 24 April in the headquarters of HIPA with the title "Local companies on the way to enter international markets" suppliers pre-selected by NI Hungary Kft. could learn about the opportunities that can pave the way to their participation in the production of global corporations, in addition to cooperating with them in Hungary.
Róbert Ésik, President of the Hungarian Investment Promotion Agency (HIPA), emphasized and explained the importance and practice of the supplier promotion activities of HIPA at the event. Jennifer Kane-Zabolotskaya, Commercial Counsellor of the Embassy of the United States of America in Hungary held a briefing on the set of tools for entering the U.S. market then Nóra Pataki, Senior Consultant of the Hungarian Export Promotion Agency (HEPA) presented the state aid system assisting the companies in that endeavour and the activities of the Agency.
Katalin Rádai, officer of NI Hungary Kft. in charge of purchasing, let the invited Hungarian suppliers know about the conditions, system and opportunities of supplying to large corporations. An important item on the agenda of the day was that subsequently the 12 participating companies had the opportunity to negotiate with the purchasers of NI Hungary Kft. in the framework of a B2B forum.
Apart from the encouragement of investments, a priority task of HIPA is to reinforce the role of Hungarian SME suppliers and to increase the proportion of Hungarian added value through this. The supplier domain of HIPA is primarily focused on corporations operating in the manufacturing industries and the related Hungarian SME sector. Building on the growth objectives of corporations, the Supplier's Unit of HIPA makes efforts to leverage Hungarian SMEs by several training courses, international presentation opportunities and business meetings.
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